Friday, July 31, 2009

Vector Cross Product and Torque II?

1. The cross product of two vectors is... another vector, a scalar, neither?

2. The dot product of two vectors is... another vector, a scalar, neither?

3. The cross product of two parallel vectors is... zero, one,

some other number?

4. For the product C = A x B, the direction of C is.... parallel to A, parallel to B, perpendicular to the plane defined by A and B?

5. The direction of the vector C in the previous question can be found using... the right-hand rule, the left-had rule, the golden rule?

Vector Cross Product and Torque II?
1) cross product of two vectors is a vector, by definition

2) dot product of two vectors is a scalar

3) cross product of two vectors is proportional to the sine of the included angle; for two parallel vectors, the included angle is 0, and the sine of 0 is 0; therefore, the cross product of two parallel vectors is 0

4) the direction of the product of a cross product is perpendicluar to the plane of the other two vectors, by definition

5) the direction of the product of a cross product is given by the right hand rule

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